Thursday 4 October 2012

Initial inspiration

Watching this video gives me so many thoughts about what direction I could go with this project that I get more and more excited when I think about it. The several looks in the different scenes of this project shows me how varied I can be within my looks and that I can use aspects of many different tribal groups rather than focusing on one tribe throughout. This will help me to pull as many ideas together however I will need to ensure that my looks are not too confusing or complex so that they cannot be understood by the audience. 
As I watch this video while I type thousands of ideas are running through my head. I love the use of bright colours against the rich gold pigment, the use of the UV light looks so impressive with the bright pink matte lip and the use of nail art in the scenes are interesting and cause me to think about the bigger picture. Kelis' facial jewellery with the use of the nose ring gives a tribal influence but also keeps the high fashion influence there too. 

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