Tuesday 23 October 2012

What next? Continued...

So now I have had the evening to think about what it is that I want to portray in both the Catwalk and Editorial looks, I feel better about going forwards and feel that my research will now be more refined and in depth. 

I started my work last night by creating a table of the differences between Catwalk and Editorial looks, this is shown below:

Impact from a distance
More detailed up close, intricate
Remember it is not usually seen as close up 
Needs to have perfection - will be looked at closely
Model needs to be mobile - think of hair and clothing changes etc.
Tends to be more extreme
Design references must be clear and translate to the viewer easily
The design is selected usually after discussion with the Stylist and the Creative Director
The makeup and hair cannot takeover from the clothing as this is the ultimate and original purpose for catwalk
Post production can be used to great effect for Editorial
Limited time - need for speed and product knowledge is key with what is being worked with, there is no time for something not working
Pre production may also be used, for example the use of a backdrop on the cyclorama for the shoot
Must be translatable to other models easily, options for different hair lengths, skin tone etc.
The setting/lighting/mood can help to tell the story of the piece
Must include face and hair templates which are easily understood so that the members of the design team can replicate this look onto models
Be more imaginative and experimental with techniques used
Think about where the catwalk show would take place, implications of this i.e. the floor surface and how difficult it would be to walk on. 
Product knowledge also key - however if for example a lip gloss will only be at its most shiny when first applied it is important to think about this when shooting, i.e. apply this just before the shoot happens

Face and hair templates are also just as important when it comes to the day of the shoot so that you know exactly what you are doing
This helps me to understand what it is that is important in defining the two types of shot and helped me to write out what it is that I would like to show in these two shots. I then went on to create a couple of bullet points for each type and briefly outline what it is that I want to produce, these are also shown below:

Ideas for Catwalk:

- Inspired by the Inuit people, with flashes of other tribes with similar looks, origins and ways of life i.e. the Yupik people and the Inupiat people
- Blues and neutral icy colours could be used in terms of styling hair and makeup
- Textures could include furs, suedes and wet-looking material possibly
- I need to ensure that I really research the tribes and understand their values and their reasons for the way that they look

Ideas for Editorial:

- Colourful, bright, lots of detail on the face and drawings on the face and body
- Influencing many african and american indian tribes, a mash up of lots of tribes and my favourite parts from all of them
- I will use more accessories than clothing within this piece, as the images will be more close up so I can use more intricate pieces that will be seen

I plan to now draw out some more pieces of research and start the design process. This may be fairly jumbled up where I will design something and then go back to do some research but I feel that this will be necessary in order to show my gradual development in the designing and research process. 

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